Рубрика «vendoring»

Discovering git vendor extension.

Cross-post from my medium blog: https://medium.com/opsops/git-vendor-295db4bcec3a

I would like to introduce the proper way to handle vendoring of git repositories.

What is is ‘vendoring’?

Vendoring is a way to integrate other’s work into your own. It’s the opposite of ‘linking’ against third-party library. Instead of having that library as a dependency, application uses this library as a part of own source code and keep that code ‘inside’ itself.

Normally, vendoring is done by language tooling: bundler, cargo, pip, etc. But sometimes you need to vendor something not covered by any existing toolset, or something multi-language, that it’s impossible to find the ‘core’ language tool for that.

The solution for this situation is vendoring on a git level. You have your own git repository (I call it ‘destination repo’), and you want to incorporate some other repository (I call it ‘source repo’) as a directory into your (destination repo).

The things you expect from a well-designed vendoring system (regardless of Git it is or not):

Лонгрид варнинг: вас предупредили, много букв.

Уже давно ведётся разработка формата дистрибуции приложений, которые были "свободны" от общесистемных зависимостей. Ubuntu очень, очень активно продвигает свой snap, gnome — flatpack. Оба обещают рай и свободу от rpm/deb. Давайте же подумаем про проблему, которую они хотят решить, и цену, которую они просят за решение этой проблемы.

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