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Frontend Weekly Digest (13 – 19 May 2019)

This week we issue a really huge selection of all the essential news you might have missed on Front-end development. Make sure to check the latest updates on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Frontend Weekly Digest (13 – 19 May 2019) - 1

Frontend Weekly Digest (13 – 19 May 2019) - 2 Web-development

SVG Web Page Components For IoT And Makers (Part 2) [1]
An introduction to the JAMstack: the architecture of the modern web [2]
Why Building with a JAMstack is Awesome [3]
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About inputmode [4]
A Beginner’s Guide to Pug [5]
Unravelingthe JPEG [6]
Integrating Third-Party Animation Libraries to a Project [7]
How to Create an SVG Pie Chart—Code Along with Kasey (Video) [8]

Frontend Weekly Digest (13 – 19 May 2019) - 3 CSS

It’s a trap-ezoid: CSS Shapes aren’t what you’d expect [20]
Animating CSS Grid Rows and Columns [21]
Subgrid [22]. A new article on MDN dev docs
CSS Scan: The Fastest Way to Inspect and Copy CSS [23]
The CSS feature for truncating multi-line text has been implemented in Firefox [24]
Debugging CSS Grid: [25] Part 2: What the Fr(action)?
Google Fonts Now Supports font-display! [26]
CSS rules that will make your life easier [27]
Chinese Window Lattice And CSS [28]

Frontend Weekly Digest (13 – 19 May 2019) - 4 JavaScript

Cloudflare, Mozilla и Facebook развивают BinaryAST для ускорения загрузки JavaScript [29]
Getting Started with Svelte 3 [30]
Functional-ish JavaScript [31]
TypeScript 3.0: The unknown Type [32]

Thanks for reading! Feel free to send us your articles or fresh useful content you want to see in the next digest.

Автор: derSmoll

Источник [55]

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Путь до страницы источника: https://www.pvsm.ru/javascript/318153

Ссылки в тексте:

[1] SVG Web Page Components For IoT And Makers (Part 2): https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/05/svg-web-page-components-iot-part2/

[2] An introduction to the JAMstack: the architecture of the modern web: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/an-introduction-to-the-jamstack-the-architecture-of-the-modern-web-c4a0d128d9ca

[3] Why Building with a JAMstack is Awesome: https://itnext.io/why-building-with-a-jamstack-is-awesome-39696e9ef8d6

[4] Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About inputmode: https://css-tricks.com/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-inputmode/

[5] A Beginner’s Guide to Pug: https://www.sitepoint.com/a-beginners-guide-to-pug/

[6] Unravelingthe JPEG: https://parametric.press/issue-01/unraveling-the-jpeg/

[7] Integrating Third-Party Animation Libraries to a Project: https://css-tricks.com/integrating-third-party-animation-libraries-to-a-project/

[8] How to Create an SVG Pie Chart—Code Along with Kasey (Video): https://seesparkbox.com/foundry/how_to_code_an_SVG_pie_chart

[9] A Deep Dive into Native Lazy-Loading for Images and Frames: https://css-tricks.com/a-deep-dive-into-native-lazy-loading-for-images-and-frames/

[10] A report from the AMP Advisory Committee Meeting: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2019/05/a-report-from-the-amp-advisory-committee-meeting/

[11] Image Optimization: Understanding the Exact Impact on Google’s Performance Score to Rank Higher in 2019: https://blog.uploadcare.com/image-optimization-and-performance-score-23516ebdd31d

[12] Better HTTP/2 Prioritization for a Faster Web: https://blog.cloudflare.com/better-http-2-prioritization-for-a-faster-web/

[13] Is 'the fold' still a thing in today’s scrolling and skimming culture?: https://www.mobilespoon.net/2019/05/fold-still-thing-in-todays-scrolling.html

[14] 3Pweb: https://www.thirdpartyweb.today/

[15] Remote Development with VS Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2019/05/02/remote-development

[16] Faster smarter JavaScript debugging in Firefox DevTools: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/05/faster-smarter-javascript-debugging-in-firefox/

[17] A new (and easy) way to hide content accessibly: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/a-new-and-easy-way-to-hide-content-accessibly-92e21e159b85

[18] The State of Accessibility: GAAD 2019: https://www.deque.com/blog/the-state-of-accessibility-gaad-2019/

[19] Announcing Microsoft Web Template Studio: https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2019/05/15/announcing-microsoft-web-template-studio/

[20] It’s a trap-ezoid: CSS Shapes aren’t what you’d expect: https://blog.logrocket.com/its-a-trap-ezoid-css-shapes-aren-t-what-you-d-expect-fe27a210001e

[21] Animating CSS Grid Rows and Columns: https://blog.bitsrc.io/animating-css-grid-rows-and-columns-4b3b0997d06a

[22] Subgrid: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Grid_layout/Subgrid

[23] CSS Scan: The Fastest Way to Inspect and Copy CSS: https://scotch.io/bar-talk/css-scan-the-fastest-way-to-inspect-and-copy-css

[24] The CSS feature for truncating multi-line text has been implemented in Firefox: https://webplatform.news/issues/2019-05-17

[25] Debugging CSS Grid:: https://css-irl.info/debugging-css-grid-part-2-what-the-fraction/

[26] Google Fonts Now Supports font-display!: https://scotch.io/bar-talk/google-fonts-now-supports-font-display

[27] CSS rules that will make your life easier: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/css-rules-to-live-by-962a051e1eb2

[28] Chinese Window Lattice And CSS: https://yuanchuan.dev/2019/05/15/window-lattice-and-css.html

[29] Cloudflare, Mozilla и Facebook развивают BinaryAST для ускорения загрузки JavaScript: https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=50701

[30] Getting Started with Svelte 3: https://alligator.io/svelte/getting-started-with-svelte/

[31] Functional-ish JavaScript: https://medium.com/@bluepnume/functional-ish-javascript-205c05d0ed08

[32] TypeScript 3.0: The unknown Type: https://mariusschulz.com/blog/typescript-3-0-the-unknown-type

[33] A practical guide to Javascript Proxy: https://blog.bitsrc.io/a-practical-guide-to-es6-proxy-229079c3c2f0

[34] JavaScript Engines: How Do They Even Work? From Call Stack to Promise, (almost) Everything You Need to Know: https://www.valentinog.com/blog/engines/

[35] Accessible Form Validation Messages with ARIA and Vue.js: https://vuejsdevelopers.com/2019/05/13/accessibility-validation-aria-vuejs/

[36] An introduction to test-driven development with Vue.js: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/an-introduction-to-tdd-with-vue-js-66544710b50c

[37] Getting Started with Vue — An Overview and Walkthrough Tutorial: https://www.taniarascia.com/getting-started-with-vue/

[38] Swipe Gallery using Vue.js & Tailwind : https://levelup.gitconnected.com/swipe-gallery-using-vue-js-tailwind-wotw-7819f8a1e4fb

[39] How to convert from React-Redux classes to React Hooks, the easy way: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-convert-from-react-redux-classes-to-react-hooks-the-easy-way-eca2233e0e7a

[40] unform: https://github.com/Rocketseat/unform

[41] UI Animation in React: https://cssanimation.rocks/ui-animation-react/

[42] ReactQ: https://reactql.org/

[43] Essential React Hooks Design Patterns: https://itnext.io/essential-react-hooks-design-patterns-a04309cc0404

[44] Dockerizing a React App: https://mherman.org/blog/dockerizing-a-react-app/

[45] Creating Your Own React Validation Library: The Basics (Part 1): https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/05/react-validation-library-basics-part1/

[46] What to do when your React app feels slow: https://itnext.io/what-to-do-when-your-react-app-feels-slow-3744c966ddf

[47] Building an Online Store Using ngrx/store and Angular: https://www.telerik.com/blogs/building-an-online-store-using-ngrx-store-and-angular

[48] My Favorite Tips and Tricks in Angular: https://www.telerik.com/blogs/my-favorite-tips-and-tricks-in-angular

[49] Component Inheritance in Angular: https://blog.bitsrc.io/component-inheritance-in-angular-acd1215d5dd8

[50] Doing A11y easily with Angular CDK. Keyboard-Navigable Lists: https://blog.angularindepth.com/doing-a11y-easily-with-angular-cdk-keyboard-navigable-lists-d32f458b8851

[51] Microsoft открыл код библиотеки векторного поиска, используемой в Bing: http://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=50698

[52] Storeon: tiny state manager for modern front-end applications close in spirit to Redux, implemented in a single file that boils down to 173 bytes: https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/storeon-redux-in-173-bytes

[53] ola: https://github.com/franciscop/ola/

[54] reLift-HTML is very small (3kb) view library that allows you to create Web Component, Custom Element, and helps you make any HTML page reactive without the bloat of big frameworks.: https://relift-html.js.org/

[55] Источник: https://habr.com/ru/post/452550/?utm_campaign=452550