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Frontend Weekly Digest (20 – 26 May 2019)

This week we issue a really huge selection of all the essential news you might have missed on Front-end development. Make sure to check the latest updates on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Frontend Weekly Digest (20 – 26 May 2019) - 1

Frontend Weekly Digest (20 – 26 May 2019) - 2 Web-development

Front-End Documentation, Style Guides and the Rise of MDX [1]
Footnotes That Work in RSS Readers [2]
DevChecklist; We created this collaborative space for sharing checklists that help ensure software quality, guide you through crisis and other helpful stuff for devs ;-) [3]
Webpack From Zero to Hero — Chapter 3: Everything is a Module [4]
WebAssembly at eBay: A Real-World Use Case [5]
Static web — back to the roots? [6]
Measuring Interactivity with TTI: Time To (consistently) Interactive [7]

Frontend Weekly Digest (20 – 26 May 2019) - 3 CSS

Highlight text with HTML mark tag [11]
What’s New in Tailwind CSS v1 [12]
benefit — 5kB CSS utility framework that is compatible with TailwindCSS [13]
font-display is Incompatible with Icon Fonts [14]
The State of Fluid Web Typography [15]
Code as Documentation: New Strategies with CSS Grid [16]
10 Time-Saving CSS Tips I Learned the Hard Way When Using Sass [17]
Flex Layout Editor [18]
The “Inside” Problem [19]
CSS can do that? [20]

Frontend Weekly Digest (20 – 26 May 2019) - 4 JavaScript

Abusing jQuery for CSS powered timing attacks [21]
Lazy Loading Images using the Intersection Observer API [22]
Creating Grid-to-Fullscreen Animations with Three.js [23]

Frontend Weekly Digest (20 – 26 May 2019) - 8 Browsers

Opera Gx — The first browser built for your gaming setup is coming soon. [43]
Firefox 67: Dark Mode CSS, WebRender, and more [44]
Introducing the first Microsoft Edge preview builds for macOS [45]
Firefox brings you smooth video playback with the world’s fastest AV1 decoder [46]

Thanks for reading! Feel free to send us your articles or fresh useful content you want to see in the next digest.

Автор: derSmoll

Источник [47]

Сайт-источник PVSM.RU: https://www.pvsm.ru

Путь до страницы источника: https://www.pvsm.ru/javascript/318917

Ссылки в тексте:

[1] Front-End Documentation, Style Guides and the Rise of MDX: https://css-tricks.com/front-end-documentation-style-guides-and-the-rise-of-mdx/

[2] Footnotes That Work in RSS Readers: https://css-tricks.com/footnotes-that-work-in-rss-readers/

[3] DevChecklist; We created this collaborative space for sharing checklists that help ensure software quality, guide you through crisis and other helpful stuff for devs ;-): https://devchecklists.com/

[4] Webpack From Zero to Hero — Chapter 3: Everything is a Module: https://tech.olx.com/webpack-from-zero-to-hero-cf1b77b852c9

[5] WebAssembly at eBay: A Real-World Use Case: https://www.ebayinc.com/stories/blogs/tech/webassembly-at-ebay-a-real-world-use-case/

[6] Static web — back to the roots?: https://blog.callr.tech/static-web-roots/

[7] Measuring Interactivity with TTI: Time To (consistently) Interactive: https://blog.dareboost.com/en/2019/05/measuring-interactivity-time-to-interactive/

[8] Accessible Icon Buttons: https://www.sarasoueidan.com/blog/accessible-icon-buttons/

[9] Contextually Marking up accessible images and SVGs: https://www.scottohara.me/blog/2019/05/22/contextual-images-svgs-and-a11y.html

[10] External Links, New Tabs, and Accessibility: https://codersblock.com/blog/external-links-new-tabs-and-accessibility/

[11] Highlight text with HTML mark tag: https://medium.com/@samanthaming/highlight-text-with-html-mark-tag-72297c053be8

[12] What’s New in Tailwind CSS v1: https://scotch.io/bar-talk/whats-new-in-tailwind-css-v1

[13] benefit — 5kB CSS utility framework that is compatible with TailwindCSS: https://benefit.netlify.com/

[14] font-display is Incompatible with Icon Fonts: https://www.zachleat.com/web/font-display-icon-fonts/

[15] The State of Fluid Web Typography: https://betterwebtype.com/articles/2019/05/14/the-state-of-fluid-web-typography/

[16] Code as Documentation: New Strategies with CSS Grid: https://css-tricks.com/code-as-documentation-new-strategies-with-css-grid/

[17] 10 Time-Saving CSS Tips I Learned the Hard Way When Using Sass: https://www.telerik.com/blogs/10-time-saving-css-tips-i-learned-the-hard-way-when-using-sass

[18] Flex Layout Editor: http://www.csstutorial.org/flex-both.html

[19] The “Inside” Problem: https://css-tricks.com/the-inside-problem/

[20] CSS can do that?: https://dev.to/ananyaneogi/css-can-do-that-18g7

[21] Abusing jQuery for CSS powered timing attacks: https://portswigger.net/blog/abusing-jquery-for-css-powered-timing-attacks

[22] Lazy Loading Images using the Intersection Observer API: https://blog.bitsrc.io/lazy-loading-images-using-the-intersection-observer-api-5a913ee226d

[23] Creating Grid-to-Fullscreen Animations with Three.js: https://tympanus.net/codrops/2019/05/22/creating-grid-to-fullscreen-animations-with-three-js/

[24] The Journey of JavaScript: from Downloading Scripts to Execution — Part II: https://www.telerik.com/blogs/journey-of-javascript-downloading-scripts-to-execution-part-ii

[25] Functional JavaScript: How to use array reduce for more than just numbers: https://jrsinclair.com/articles/2019/functional-js-do-more-with-reduce/

[26] Taking Control of React Performance: https://blog.opendigerati.com/taking-control-of-react-performance-4f21a15a19b5

[27] Material-UI v4 is out: https://medium.com/material-ui/material-ui-v4-is-out-4b7587d1e701

[28] Using WebAssembly with React: https://www.telerik.com/blogs/using-webassembly-with-react

[29] Why you should render React on the server side: https://blog.logrocket.com/why-you-should-render-react-on-the-server-side-a50507163b79

[30] Getting Started with react-testing-library: https://css-tricks.com/getting-started-with-react-testing-library/

[31] My experience moving from Enzyme to react-testing-library: https://medium.com/@boyney123/my-experience-moving-from-enzyme-to-react-testing-library-5ac65d992ce

[32] The Approachable Guide to useReducer: https://www.seangroff.com/useReducer/

[33] Getting Started with Vue — An Overview and Walkthrough Tutorial: https://www.taniarascia.com/getting-started-with-vue/

[34] Vue.js And SEO: How To Optimize Reactive Websites For Search Engines And Bots: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2019/05/vue-js-seo-reactive-websites-search-engines-bots/

[35] 5 Easy ways to drastically improve your VueJS app’s speed: https://medium.com/@vaibhav_35703/5-easy-ways-to-drastically-improve-your-vuejs-apps-speed-f9a57943b5

[36] Angular 8 RC.5 – Release Candidate shipped with features and breaking change: https://helpdev.eu/angular-8-rc-5-release-candidate-shipped-with-features-and-breaking-change/

[37] Exploring Angular Lifecycle Hooks – OnInit: https://ultimatecourses.com/blog/exploring-angular-lifecycle-hooks-oninit

[38] Build a Progressive Web App with Angular: https://john-green.net/web/build-a-progressive-web-app-with-angular/

[39] await-timeout: a Promise-based API for setTimeout / clearTimeout: https://github.com/vitalets/await-timeout

[40] v8n: The ultimate JavaScript validation library you've ever needed. : https://github.com/imbrn/v8n

[41] Tornis is a minimal JavaScript library that watches the state of your browser's viewport, allowing you to respond whenever something changes.: https://tornis.robbowen.digital/

[42] is-incognito-mode: Function to identify whether browser is in incognito mode: https://github.com/yankouskia/is-incognito-mode

[43] Opera Gx — The first browser built for your gaming setup is coming soon.: https://www.opera.com/ru/gx

[44] Firefox 67: Dark Mode CSS, WebRender, and more: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/05/firefox-67-dark-mode-css-webrender/

[45] Introducing the first Microsoft Edge preview builds for macOS: https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2019/05/20/microsoft-edge-macos-canary-preview/

[46] Firefox brings you smooth video playback with the world’s fastest AV1 decoder: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/05/firefox-brings-you-smooth-video-playback-with-the-worlds-fastest-av1-decoder/

[47] Источник: https://habr.com/ru/post/453576/?utm_campaign=453576