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SummaryJS: самое интересное из мира JavaScript за последнюю неделю

Две недели назад я начал вести свой подкаст на тему JavaScript. И каждую неделю у меня накапливается большой список интересных статей, видео и новостей, которыми интересно было бы поделиться с сообществом. В связи с этим я решил попробовать выложить вот такой набор интересных материалов.

На Хабре есть как минимум 2 еженедельных обзора мира фронтенда. Они классные, но пишут про весь фронтенд. А я пытаюсь больше уделять внимание JavaScript.

Если понравится — пишите, буду продолжать. Если нет — тоже пишите.

React Conf

Финальные видео [1]

Видео, подкасты

React in 7 minutes [2]
JavaScript Jabber #146 [3]
Asynchronous Programming: The End of The Loop [4]

node, iojs

node v0.12.0 [5]
ios-ru [6]
iojs 1.2.0 [7]
nw.js v0.12.0-alpha1 [8]
Node Summit [9]
int64 is coming to JavaScript [10]


Simple node.js code style tips to improve code quality [11]
Exploring $q And Scope $digest Integration In AngularJS [12]
Processing Binary Protocols with Client-Side JavaScript [13]
Using ES6 with Angular today [14]
Unwrapping JSON-P [15]
Change detection in Angular 2 [16]
Паттерны в AngularJS [17]
Let’s Write Fast JavaScript [18]
Destructuring and Recursion in ES6 [19]
Variables and scoping in ECMAScript 6 [20]
Iterating ES6 Numbers [21]
How to start writing apps with ES6, Angular 1.x and JSPM [22]
expert-es6 course [23]
Non-blocking web fonts using LocalStorage [24]
RegExp and Template Strings [25]
io.js Week of February 6th 2015 [26]
60 FPS on the Mobile Web [27]
Rebuilding HipChat with React.js [28]
ReactJS: Advanced Performance [29]

Инструменты, библиотеки

react-canvas [30]
angular-virtual-dom [31]
ambidex [32]
vissense [33]
DarkLord [34]
Cerebellum.js [35]
memory-stats.js [36]
lz-string [37]
ie8linter [38]
css-statistics [39]
in-browser redis [40]
6to5-sublime [41]
reapp [42]
hubpress.io [43]

Новые версии

WebStorm EAP 10 [44]
git 2.3.0 [45]
git 2.3.0 Хабр [46]
Esprima 2.0 [47]
Ember QUnit 0.2.x [48]
ESLint 0.14.1 [49]
ember 1.10.0 [50]
AngularJS 1.4.0, beta 4 [51]
BrowserSync 2.0 [52]


JS1k [53]

Автор: olegafx

Источник [54]

Сайт-источник PVSM.RU: https://www.pvsm.ru

Путь до страницы источника: https://www.pvsm.ru/javascript/82685

Ссылки в тексте:

[1] Финальные видео: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb0IAmt7-GS1cbw4qonlQztYV1TAW0sCr

[2] React in 7 minutes: https://egghead.io/lessons/react-react-in-7-minutes

[3] JavaScript Jabber #146: http://devchat.tv/js-jabber/146-jsj-react-with-christopher-chedeau-and-jordan-walke

[4] Asynchronous Programming: The End of The Loop: https://egghead.io/series/mastering-asynchronous-programming-the-end-of-the-loop

[5] node v0.12.0: http://blog.nodejs.org/2015/02/06/node-v0-12-0-stable/

[6] ios-ru: https://twitter.com/iojs_ru

[7] iojs 1.2.0: https://github.com/iojs/io.js/blob/v1.x/CHANGELOG.md

[8] nw.js v0.12.0-alpha1: https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/2742

[9] Node Summit: http://nodesummit.com/

[10] int64 is coming to JavaScript: https://twitter.com/rauschma/status/565604497272373248

[11] Simple node.js code style tips to improve code quality: https://gist.github.com/hueniverse/a06f6315ea736ed1b46d

[12] Exploring $q And Scope $digest Integration In AngularJS: http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2778-exploring-q-and-scope-digest-integration-in-angularjs.htm

[13] Processing Binary Protocols with Client-Side JavaScript: http://blog.mgechev.com/2015/02/06/parsing-binary-protocol-data-javascript-typedarrays-blobs/

[14] Using ES6 with Angular today: http://blog.thoughtram.io/angularjs/es6/2015/01/23/exploring-angular-1.3-using-es6.html

[15] Unwrapping JSON-P: http://davidwalsh.name/unwrapping-jsonp

[16] Change detection in Angular 2: http://victorsavkin.com/post/110170125256/change-detection-in-angular-2

[17] Паттерны в AngularJS: http://habrahabr.ru/post/250149/

[18] Let’s Write Fast JavaScript: https://medium.com/the-javascript-collection/lets-write-fast-javascript-2b03c5575d9e

[19] Destructuring and Recursion in ES6: http://raganwald.com/2015/02/02/destructuring.html

[20] Variables and scoping in ECMAScript 6: http://www.2ality.com/2015/02/es6-scoping.html

[21] Iterating ES6 Numbers: http://blog.getify.com/iterating-es6-numbers/

[22] How to start writing apps with ES6, Angular 1.x and JSPM: http://martinmicunda.com/2015/02/09/how-to-start-writing-apps-with-es6-angular-1x-and-jspm/

[23] expert-es6 course: http://tagtree.io/courses/expert-es6

[24] Non-blocking web fonts using LocalStorage: http://crocodillon.com/blog/non-blocking-web-fonts-using-localstorage

[25] RegExp and Template Strings: https://plus.google.com/+DouglasCrockfordEsq/posts/4EWYAq9fc2w

[26] io.js Week of February 6th 2015: https://medium.com/node-js-javascript/io-js-week-of-february-6th-2015-e185388549a4

[27] 60 FPS on the Mobile Web: http://engineering.flipboard.com/2015/02/mobile-web/

[28] Rebuilding HipChat with React.js: https://developer.atlassian.com/blog/2015/02/rebuilding-hipchat-with-react/

[29] ReactJS: Advanced Performance: http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/advanced-performance.html

[30] react-canvas: https://github.com/flipboard/react-canvas

[31] angular-virtual-dom: https://github.com/teropa/angular-virtual-dom

[32] ambidex: https://github.com/appsforartists/ambidex

[33] vissense: https://github.com/vissense/vissense

[34] DarkLord: http://grumpywizards.com/darklord/

[35] Cerebellum.js: http://sc5.io/posts/cerebellum-js-uncomplicated-isomorphic-javascript-apps

[36] memory-stats.js: https://github.com/paulirish/memory-stats.js

[37] lz-string: https://github.com/pieroxy/lz-string/

[38] ie8linter: https://github.com/israelidanny/ie8linter

[39] css-statistics: https://github.com/jxnblk/css-statistics

[40] in-browser redis: http://narma.github.io/2015/redis-in-browser/

[41] 6to5-sublime: https://github.com/6to5/6to5-sublime

[42] reapp: http://reapp.io/

[43] hubpress.io: https://github.com/HubPress/hubpress.io

[44] WebStorm EAP 10: http://blog.jetbrains.com/webstorm/2015/02/webstorm-10-eap/

[45] git 2.3.0: https://github.com/blog/1957-git-2-3-has-been-released

[46] git 2.3.0 Хабр: http://habrahabr.ru/post/249857/

[47] Esprima 2.0: http://blog.jquery.com/2015/02/06/esprima-2-0-released/

[48] Ember QUnit 0.2.x: http://reefpoints.dockyard.com/2015/02/06/ember-qunit-0-2.html

[49] ESLint 0.14.1: http://eslint.org/blog/2015/02/eslint-0.14.1-released/

[50] ember 1.10.0: http://emberjs.com/blog/2015/02/07/ember-1-10-0-released.html

[51] AngularJS 1.4.0, beta 4: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#140-beta4-overlyexplosive-poprocks-2015-02-09

[52] BrowserSync 2.0: http://www.wearejh.com/news/browsersync-2-0/

[53] JS1k: http://js1k.com/2015-hypetrain/

[54] Источник: http://habrahabr.ru/post/250435/