Рубрика «sql index manager»

Много лет работая SQL Server DBA и занимаясь то администрированием серверов, то оптимизацией производительности. В общем, захотелось в свободное время захотелось сделать что-то полезное для Вселенной и коллег по цеху. Так в итоге получился небольшой опенсорс тул по обслуживанию индексов для SQL Server и Azure.

SQL Index Manager

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SQL Index Manager

Every now and then we create our own problems with our own hands… with our vision of the world… with our inaction… with our laziness… and with our fears. As a result, it seems to become very convenient to swim in the public flow of sewage patterns… because it is warm and fun, and the rest does not matter – we can smell round. But after a fail comes the realization of the simple truth – instead of generating an endless stream of causes, self-pity and self-justification, it is enough just to do what you consider the most important for yourself. This will be the starting point for your new reality.

For me, the written below is just such a starting point. The way is expected to be lingering…
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