Рубрика «ITMO University»

GoROBO is an ITMO University project through and through: one of the co-owners graduated our mechatronics MA program, and two other employees are current postgrad students.

Let’s talk about the educational environment they want to create, why they chose to build such an unusual startup, and what awaits GoROBO clubs in the future.

GoROBO: an educational initiative from the ITMO University startup accelerator - 1Читать полностью »

ITMO University operates an in-house business accelerator. In this series of articles, we’re going to take a look at some of its residents, starting with two machine vision projects: Labra and O.VISION.

ITMO startups: machine vision edition - 1Читать полностью »

The Department of Computer Science and Control Systems at ITMO University houses a robotics lab. In this article we’ll take a look at the projects its staff is working on, and show you the machinery on site: industrial manipulator robots, robotic hands and dynamic positioning system testing equipment.

Inside ITMO University: The robotics lab - 1Читать полностью »

ITMO University is home to a large number of labs that specialise on everything from bionics to quantum optics. Today we’ll take a look at the cyber-physical systems lab and its projects.

Inside ITMO University: The cyber-physical systems lab - 1Читать полностью »

The weekend is upon us, and so is the paralysis that comes with having nothing to do. Fear not, our editorial team picked 9 books on science and tech worth picking up on a cold winter day. You’ll learn about the history of space exploration, join a physicist on a surprisingly science-appropriate hike, and more.

Weekend Picks: light reading for STEM majors - 1Читать полностью »
